A last chance?

U want a last chance?
U admit ur mistakes
U will recover back everything
U said u just want my heart


I'm so sorry
I have no feeling
Not anymore
I'm sorry not treated u nicely now

Why u keep forcing me
Why u wont give up
That's so annoying

I'm afraid..
Whether its real or a TRAP

If I do agree
Everything would not be same as usual
Nobody will control me anymore
Ordering me to do that, do this

but now..

I will control u!


Daishie said...

just move on and no turning back my dear..

Fiera Kittenz said...

I wont but he keep forcing me n disturb me everyday.. so annoying la that guy.. :(

milah hasan said...

send him a dead goat.. with blood all over it... kompem dia gerun dah nk kaco hang.. keh3... psiko! XP

Fiera Kittenz said...

tu lg dasyat.. black magic oo.. hahaha!

Aku yg kena psiko lak skrg ni.. :(

Farish Ibnu Addin (Saurukent) said...

erm sabor la ye cik fira...
teruskan berusaha untuk kerjaya dan family dulu...
lelaki memang teruk...
carilah yang beragama...
kadang2 kalau Allah nak kasi tu memang Dia aakan beri yang terbaik...Allah pun dah berjanji yang orang baik adalah untuk orang yang baik...
sabar taw...
good luck...^^

Fiera Kittenz said...

tq~ apepun biar la jodoh je tentukan..